
To Be Or Not To Be...A Slut

All of a sudden I'm dating two people. Zero to two in 2 weeks, kids. It's been forever since Sean and a longer forever since Diez and Phil and now there's nice, sweet Barrie, and aggressive, smart Eddie.

So last night I'm talking to Eddie on the phone and he's pressuring me to go out with him, for coffee or whatever. After about an hour of him tearing apart my arguments against it, I gave in. Especially after my roommate was like, "yeah, he's right. You don't really have a reason not to go." Doh. So I went, because to be fair, I had brought the subject up earlier yesterday with Eddie. I told him I thought we should meet soon. Didn't know it was going to be that night, after getting high and at midnight, but hey, life is fun that way.

So I go to meet the guy, at this little pub near my house, and I didn't want to get there before him, so I left later than I normally would have. But still, I knew he wouldn't be there yet. So I drive for a few minutes, passing by the pub. I need to get gas, so I figure I'll stop and lose/gain a few more minutes. I had the strangest feeling that if I stopped at this particular gas station, he'd show up there. Now keep in mind we've never met before, only seen pictures.

I'm pumping gas, and lo and behold, he shows up at the gas station. Surprise, surprise. I know it's him, and he parks his car, but doesn't get out. Grinning like an idiot, though. So I wave him over, but he still doesn't get out. So I finish pumping my gas, and get back into my car. I call him. I asked where he was, and he said he was still far away. I knew he was lying. So I said, "Are you going to get out of the car, or what?" So he laughs and says he'll be right over. He walks over to the car, leans in my open door, and kisses me.

I think I was done then. But we go to the bar, play some pool, and talk. And kiss. And a little groping, on his part. I mean, I'm all for fun, but you know how I am about sex stuff. Cautious is good, too. So then we go to leave at 3am, at we kiss some more, he gropes a little more, and takes my hand and places it on his dick. Whoo. Couldn't tell much of anything, but I rubbed him for a minute.

So, successful? Who knows. I've already talked to him today, though. He could be a dangerous cat, considering I'm already thinking about sleeping with him. Ack. Poor Barrie, the sweet, nice guy. Haven't even kissed him yet, and we've been out twice. Persistence pays off, as Eddie well knows.

So that's the story for now. More drama later. Oh! And I can't publish this because Barrie has an online journal, too, and reads mine all the time. Ack!

alannablue at 12:36 p.m.

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