

Well, I no longer have to write about my dates with barrie in here. He started a journal, too, and he writes about me! So, yay, less for me to catalogue. Hehe. If you want to read his glowing admiration of me, click on my profile and find him. :)

In other news, I may be able to pay my bills this month yet. Yay. Loans from my investment fund at work, deferral of my auto loan payment. Life is grand. Fucking bastard bills. They never go away. Heat-seeking missiles designed to obliterate my already fragile mind.

Although things are good and getting better, I still feel like a whirlwind lives in my brain, fucking everything up. Like in that god-awful movie "Twister". Cows flying, houses breaking apart, and I'm one of the dumbass researchers, trying to chase my thoughts like the twister itself.

So forgive me if I don't know what I'm doing, or saying, or thinking. I would say it's not my fault, but it probably is. But I'm dealing. If by dealing, you mean completely fucking everything up.

Listening to: "Train in Vain" by the Clash.

By the way, my notes section should be working now, please feel free to leave me a message!

alannablue at 12:54 p.m.

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