
Lucky I Hate YooHoo Already

Yesterday Joe and I went to play video games. We got really high and I spilled my drink all over the floor next to "Crazy Taxi". I was mortified and kept hissing at Joe to help me, but he was laughing so hard, he was clutching his stomach not to spew up his Yoohoo. Five minutes later, I turned to check on Lake Cola and it had disappeared into the carpet! Perfecto.

Other than that, not much going on. It's Eddie's birthday today (that's your shout-out). Just doing little things I normally neglect, like cleaning my room, making cookies, going to the bank.

I never told you this, but there's a huge-ass spider living outside the porch off my bedroom. She's scary as crap, but as long as she stays on that side of the screen, I'm okay with her. Then I found out some disturbing news: that bitch is having babies on my porch screen! Laid her sack last night sometime. It's disgusting!

And yes, this is my life. Watching spiders that don't watch me back. Pathetic.

Listening to: "All I Want Is All I Need" by Paul Oakenfold from the TV show "Queer As Folk"

alannablue at 9:34 p.m.

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