
High State of Consciousness

Went to see a movie with my dad today. We don't normally see romance/comedy movies together, but we saw "Garden State". I liked it. This kind of mentally fucked up guy meets an eccentric girl, they bond, fall in love in 3 days, blah blah. Nice story, doesn't happen.

My so-called ex called me today, actually, he text-messaged me today to share that he finally got his text messaging fixed on his cell phone. It's been like two years. Was that an important detail of his life to contact me about? Then he tells me I'd be proud of him because he's giving up gambling for one month (September) to cleanse himself of it. And he's right, I am proud of him. So he was on his way to a bar to hang out and play Golden Tee for awhile, and I thought, oh cool, I can get out of the house and go chill with him for a bit. But no, he wants to "do his thing". Some things never change. His problem before was that he wanted to everything alone, didn't want to be responsible for anyone else's feelings or whatnot. Which I completely understand, I feel the same way right now, but this is not the normal modus operandi for me. But it is for him. Okay, guess I'm still not over it. Whatever! At least I can admit it. Of course, this being over him or not changes like every other day, but hey. I'm allowed to not understand or know how I feel all the time... right?

Blah. Work tomorrow. Hope we get another day off for the next hurricane rambling through. :)

Listening to: Placebo's first album, which I purchased today. Yay!

Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I had this sex dream about this friend of my roommate's, let's call him Jose. So Jose's a badass, in real life, and of course in the dream. So he's all like, "Suck my dick." So I do. And we're going at it, and all of a sudden, he turns into this girl I hate. And I can't figure out how to get Jose back. I thought maybe if I fingered her, she'd change back, but then before I did, I thought, no, then she'll want to stay even more! So I got really pissed off that Jose was gone and I didn't get to finish sucking his dick. Damnit. Think I'm frustrated much?

alannablue at 5:50 p.m.

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