
Deal With My Shit - I Have To.

Date with Eddie the other night was good. Brief. We saw 'Fahrenheit 9/11', which was okay. I have a problem with Michael Moore's pointed delivery most of the time. He's too high-handed for my liking. But he does do an amazing job of gathering information and making connections that I myself don't put forth the effort to make. My roommate makes those connections, but he watches the news at least once daily and stays informed. And in turn, I rely on him to keep me informed (somewhat, and to a much lesser degree than he himself gets, of course). So the movie was good to catch me up on some things, but not good because it only shows one half of the picture, you know? But anyway.

Therapy yesterday. We decided to stop talking about all this backlash from the surgery and move on to more permanent things, like what I want from a relationship. What's non-negotiable and what I'm willing to compromise on. Gosh, that's difficult. But I like having homework. I'm a geek. *shrug*

I need to keep writing my story. Last night I had a revelation about how it could relate to my real life, through the surgery thing. Perfect. So now I wake up from the surgery, and poof! none of it happened, although I know it really did because of clues, etc. But regardless, I'm changed because of the experience, which I am in real life in ways I haven't found how to express yet. It'll be good if I can do it right.

Currently listening to: "Wanna Be Startin' Something" by Michael Jackson

alannablue at 12:10 p.m.

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