
eminem is my hero

I'm admitting how pathetic I am. I checked the WWE site today to find out when the last and next pay per view was/is. The last to see if Sean didn't call me last time there was one. The next to see when he might call. The last was 10/3/04, probably about the last time I heard from him. The next is next weekend. So we'll see if he lives up to his routine. If he'll send me a text message on Saturday, letting me know the pay per view is the next day. I don't know what I should say, if anything. Last time I ignored his text message, for the first time ever. I messaged him a few days later, but he pretty much ignored my message. I hate that it's become like that between us. It's such bullshit.

I've done nothing all day. I have a huge headache that I can't shake off. I watched an anime, downloaded some music, did some laundry, did some dishes. I hate domestic stuff.

But it's better than the alternative, I suppose. I could have to work every day, or get up early, or take care of sick relatives. I have the freedom to do nothing, which is pleasant.

I also read the newspaper. There was an article in the employment section about more and more companies not hiring smokers at all, regardless of whether they smoke during working hours or not. It's such bullshit. The article did bring up the point I made when my company banned smoking on premises, which is that if they're going to encourage people to lead healthy lifestyles, what's to stop them from telling us what to eat, medicating us for depression, or requiring us to go to the gym? Who cares what we do away from work or on breaks, as long as it's not illegal or against the company guidelines for appropriate behavior? I mean, I can see not wanting employees to drink alcohol during breaks, due to behavior modification issues. So why stop at banning smoking? Why not tell people they can't imbibe alcohol, even at home or on weekends? Why not tell me who I can or cannot have sex with? Go on, I dare you to not hire gay men because they have a high risk of contracting HIV. See how that goes over. We smokers are too passive in our choice. And even you non-smokers, do you want your right to privacy to be trampled over like mine is? Think beyond the smoking issue. There's a sutle undercurrent of enforcing strictures against unfavorable behavior, for whatever reason. What happens when you fit into one of those categories? Just like when the government outlawed alcohol, the people will rise up and smite their glorious vengeance upon thee. Beware, corporate America.

Well. That was apparently my up-in-arms rant of the week. Thanks for letting me vent. Okay, see ya later.

Listening to: "I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore" by REO Speedwagon. I know, shut up.

alannablue at 4:27 p.m.

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