
getting back to me

I need to finish my Buffy story I started months ago. Four months ago? Five? I don't even know anymore. Because it mirrors what's been happening to me too much not to express it. And I truly do want to learn something from this whole experience lately. Meeting new people, rediscovering what I really want, what's important. So I'm going to go write now for a little while before my therapy appointment, where I'm scared to tell her all my demons, but I want to. I tell Joe, but it's easier with him because he's been with me for so long. I tell someone everything. Not everyone everything, but I don't hide anything from everyone, either. I think it's somewhere on the path to healthy. I hope. Ciao.

Listening to: James Lavelle's "Romania Underground"

alannablue at 12:08 p.m.

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