

I'm drunk, which I never am. And I'm mad, which I always am lately. I remember again why I don't randomly hookup with people, including exes. Because now I feel all angsty and unsure of where I stand with him and I don't like it. No one likes feeling unsure, but it's like having a cold. Sometimes I'd rather chop off my nose than wipe one more time, it's so fucking unbearable. And so is this not knowing. Argh. Feels like a setback. At least when I was alone, there was a reason for feeling lonely. I don't feeling precisely lonely, but I feel something...not good. Bitterness, anger, depression, lethargy, drunkenness, sleeeeeeepp...zzzzzzzzzzzzzakjdflkj oh sorry. Goodnight for now.

alannablue at 1:43 a.m.

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